Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
well hello every one! long time cigar.com customer, previous member on the old amback forum. nice to be here. its finaly warming up outside to start smoking again after a seemingly endless winter hibernation. the last few weeks i have taken every sunny opportunity to go to the park and light one up, which in this region (seattle area) has been about 3 times lol. I am eagerly awaiting the amazing summers we have here, 75 degree evenings here I come!! got about 2 months to go for that though.
im in the same boat here in ohio. today itll get up to 45 and a bunch of the snow will melt. i work today so no cigar.
not long though till i can sit on the front portch and burn one
The Ghost of Future Past!
Hello all, I bought some sticks this morning and noticed this forum section. jihiggs, I came across the amback forum last week and noticed that it just had a name change. What is going on with that? Is everyone jumping ship over to here?
how've you been dude?
i am a Motorcycle Technician for BMW Motorcycles. Along with enjoying a nice cigar some of my interests are riding the BMW, and Honda. I also enjoy snowboarding, hiking and camping. Well see you all round.
Where is San Luis Obispo County do you live? I graduated from SLO high.
Nothing wrong with cali. Beautiful weather all year round. If you don't live in the city you don't have to deal with crime. And if you don't live in calabasas you can still smoke outside.
Glad to see this forum up and running
Paso Robles has some of the best vineyards.
Tobin James is one of my favorites.
any way im jacob and i introduced myself in another thread but this seems to be the place to do it.
im 21 years old live in charlotte NC, work in a cd store. i had my first cigar on thursday night a a "cigar" bar my older brother is about to open. so if theres any one in summerville south carolina. mojos opens in a week. any way i had the one and the nexy bought 2 from a hand rolled place in chareston. and now im hooked i love cigars and i cannot wait to be knowledgeble..... i think i mess that word up, in all things cigar related.
yesterday i droped some dough and bought into the cigar of the month club and someother nick nacks and patty wacks on the site so hopefully you'll be seein alot more of me.
this is as good a place as any.
hi. welcome to this budding cigar board. sit back relax and enjoy. please post often, its always good to get advice from people that have been smoking for a while and arent on the board. ...it seems that they have insight that isnt the same-old-same-old.
I hate to start a new thread on the subject, so hopefully the OP doesn't mind if I piggy back on this one.
Hello to everyone, I'm new to the forums as well. Located in mid-state Illinois, just a couple hours down the I-57 from the windy city, I've been a cigar.com customer for a couple years now but have only recently began reading the forum.