Over humidified cigar
How long should you let an over-humidified cigar rest for before smoking it? Should it be left out for any amount of time? Or just stabilize in the humidor? Will it throw off the the rh in the humidor?
Lots of questions, I know. I just bought a Tatuaje Havana IV that has some plume on it and seems a bit too spongy. Wanna know how long I should let it rest before trying it.......
Lots of questions, I know. I just bought a Tatuaje Havana IV that has some plume on it and seems a bit too spongy. Wanna know how long I should let it rest before trying it.......
Not sure if it will make much of a difference or not but if it were me I'd put it right in the humi so that it comes down to the proper moisture level gradually, and you don't risk overshooting it. Should mean you shock the cigar less.
Though it shouldn't have enough extra moisture to really affect your humidor, I would still put it next to your hygro (especially if you have a glass top) so you can monitor it.
Just my $0.02.
another way to look at it...
if it is over humidified and it has bloom it may not actually be bloom. it could be mold. if it is 3D (seems to stand out from the surface of the cigar), or looks like it has structure, then it is mold. if it is 2D (just on the surface of the cigar) it is bloom. bloom is also fairly sparkly.
if it is bloom, your worst case is you let it sit in the humidor far a few weeks and when you feel that its good to go you smoke it.
if its mold, and you feel safe doing this, wipe it off, smoke it. good luck.