Gotta love professors...

So I was in my Marketing Management class this afternoon and he was telling us about his plans for tonight, cigars were mentioned so I thought I'd share, picture this in an English accent:
"Today's thursday, and thursday is boys night.. I dunno what it is about boys night but I like to enjoy a cigar whenever we get together. I don't smoke, but I just enjoy puffing on one. Yea, I like Swishers.. All my friends are sitting around with Cubans and fancy cigars with their fancy clippers and I'm indulging in my Swisher. I like it's flavor and sweetness, plus there's already a hole punched in it, which is nice."
All I could say was wow... gotta love professors
"Today's thursday, and thursday is boys night.. I dunno what it is about boys night but I like to enjoy a cigar whenever we get together. I don't smoke, but I just enjoy puffing on one. Yea, I like Swishers.. All my friends are sitting around with Cubans and fancy cigars with their fancy clippers and I'm indulging in my Swisher. I like it's flavor and sweetness, plus there's already a hole punched in it, which is nice."
All I could say was wow... gotta love professors
Differrent strokes smokes for differrent folks...
...and if most professors are anything it's "differrent".
he actually does always wear a tweed jacket with the elbow patches lol
Agreed. I should recommend that to him
You get them confused with men that easily?
Professor Sila has a sweet kinda fun to give the professor a professor....