Honey are you sitting down?....

that is what my wife said to me yesterday,
my answer is yes whats up (In my head I know what is happening)
The answer: Im pregnant (DUH)
Cue gut shot feeling as this was a total surprise (I was poking fun and I guess she took me seriously)
In 9 months I will have the 3rd child
Im kinda stunned and don't know what to do......
Guess I ll have a smoke,
It will happen though. I'll get all liquored up and be taken advantage of.
First off congrats Hunter ...........
Now to the comment above ..... come on who doesnt like being taken advantage of ??????
Some of the guys on the boards here have bought a box of super premiums, committing to smoke one cigar on every birthday for their child. I recommend you do that, but just to be fair you'll have to get boxes for your other two children and smoke an appropriate amount of each to bring them "up-to-date". You know, just to be fair...it's for the children.
First off: Congrats! Also like to offer a bit of help. Doromath has some good suggestions, but it might get complicated. Here's what you do - send the sticks to me along with the Birthday dates. I'll take care of the rest! Also promise to catch the other kids up in short order!
Congrats again brother! I hope everything goes smoothly.
+1.. Go big or go home