Had a San Miguel for the first time. Not my favorite flavor profile, but it was solid nonetheless. Maybe I'll learn to dig them more as time progresses.
Fuente Don Carlos #3 from springtime '08. These are aging quite nicely, and imo have only really become smokeable in the last year or so. The finish is quite remarkable.
Was finally able to smoke this winter with it being a ridiculous 50 degrees in Illinois! wtf global warming! Anyways enjoyed a Torano Exodus Gold that was gifted to me. The yellow cellophane led me to believe this was aged some time. Great stick!
Smoked a room 101, original blend (I think) last night in a 6 x 60 format. Probably my least favorite size, but thats the only size the B&M carried, so I was limited. It was good, but nothing great. I kind of want to explore some more sizes in this blend and some of the different blends that they have. Good experience though.
Now up is a Graycliff Platinum Edicion Limitada 2010
Let me know how the Graycliff is.
. It had major wrapper issues and I have only had that one...for now I'll say it had potential to be an average 4 bones stick. The wrapper on mine was compromised before I started so I didn't have high hopes. I'd say give it a try if you have one or could get one on the cheap. If I had another I would definitely have another try at it as it was far from unsmokable. As I was preoccupied with the wrapper issues I don't really have anything other to say about it