well, my first was a thompson green label turd sent by elmo and his friends c/o MTuccelli now to clear out that taste the next i have chosen to do so is a ashton esg 20 year salute that went in my humi on 4/30/2011,lol
hadnt lit it up yet......waiting on the wife to finish supper, then im gonna light up a Rocky Patel Decade that was in my sampler.......cant wait to see how i like it.
hadnt lit it up yet......waiting on the wife to finish supper, then im gonna light up a Rocky Patel Decade that was in my sampler.......cant wait to see how i like it.
I used to love those back in 08, last one I had wasnt that great.
Nonsense have another! Im drinking Belgian Wit bier but dreaming of the bourbon barrel imperial stout I had last night. This Tempus aint so bad either.
Amazing, never in a thousand years would I have thought I'd taste graham crackers in a cigar but it's for sure there.... start to finish a great smoke. Now the hard part trying to hold on to my second one for next haloween.
Amazing, never in a thousand years would I have thought I'd taste graham crackers in a cigar but it's for sure there.... start to finish a great smoke. Now the hard part trying to hold on to my second one for next haloween.
great minds think alike. bout to go fire up a boris. so glad i managed to grab a box of these a while back
Amazing, never in a thousand years would I have thought I'd taste graham crackers in a cigar but it's for sure there.... start to finish a great smoke. Now the hard part trying to hold on to my second one for next haloween.
The Padilla 1932 has a graham cracker taste to it. One of the reasons I liked it so much. Also, the Ashton Cabinet Series, and many of the Illusione cigars as well.... That's a flavor I enjoy finding in cigars.
1st up a san lotano oval, saw in the humi and the foot wrapper kinda unravled about a inch but so far has not kept it from burning even and almost past the problem
How was it??? One of my favorite 2011 releases for sure!
It was very good, I was suprised that it put out volumes of smoke, I really had to watch my draw, as it was very easy to become overwhelmed with smoke. I was freezing my ass off so I think It took away from the nuances...Stout little firecracker..
oval is one of my favorites.. Had an alec bradley prensado tonight, not sure how I feel about these yet. I think they need to sit for a while which I cannot seem to let any cigar do.
Just cant bring myself to go out side were its blowing like crazy and the outside temp is dropping fast. Might have to resort to the garage.
Garage is good, you can get a kerosene heater from walmart for about 100 bucks and they work great.. Or you can go oil filled radiator for 39.00 or electric from costco for about 69.00. Yes mr winter (not edgar) will be upon us soon and brrrrr cuttin in to my smokin,,,,me no likeey