I had a Zino Platinum Grand Master last night to start. It had the Kelner musk that most of the Avo - Davidoff stuff has. Draw was a little tight but decent flavor and burn. Next up was an Avo Robusto. Same flavor profile as the Zino but this one had a horrible tar taste yet there was no tar. It was weird!
I had my first Padilla Black Bear last night. It was very light for the massive 6x60 size, and the draw was very loose...like it was just really dried out. The flavors were pretty good for ROTT, so I'm thinking a few months rest will do them some good.
I keep reading these remarks from everybody that tries one. I need to go ahead and pull the trigger next time I get paid. I'm starting to regret not having any!
Hey Todd,
Send mr your address and I'll send a few 1844's your way. I love this cigar, and I've been sharing them with as many people as possible...its a great stick, made even better by a good price point!
I keep reading these remarks from everybody that tries one. I need to go ahead and pull the trigger next time I get paid. I'm starting to regret not having any!
Hey Todd,
Send mr your address and I'll send a few 1844's your way. I love this cigar, and I've been sharing them with as many people as possible...its a great stick, made even better by a good price point!
I, too, love them ROTT. In fact, that is what I am going to smoke right now! Thanks for the idea jj!
still got about 2 inches left after about an hour and a half, these should age great, going to have to get a box i thinks,lol
Better get em now while they are still cheap. Hell, better get 2, one to age and one to smoke now! If I wasn't the poorest *** on the planet, I'd have a sh1tload of em. And, yeah... the smoke time on those things is crazy. Much longer than I expected.
Send mr your address and I'll send a few 1844's your way. I love this cigar, and I've been sharing them with as many people as possible...its a great stick, made even better by a good price point!
Tonight was a JdN Dark Corojo. Very nice flavors. The wrapper was a little tough to keep lit, next time I'll try a little dry boxing.