CAO America. It was ok. Good construction, nice aroma, ok flavor. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the cao sticks I've had. Good, but not mind blowing.
CAO America. It was ok. Good construction, nice aroma, ok flavor. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the cao sticks I've had. Good, but not mind blowing.
x2 , best caos i like are the gold maduros and brazillas , mx2, italias and the vr cathedals, sopranos , , cameroons, maduros,like the lx2 but made my head swim,lol
CAO America. It was ok. Good construction, nice aroma, ok flavor. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the cao sticks I've had. Good, but not mind blowing.
x2 , best caos i like are the gold maduros and brazillas , mx2, italias and the vr cathedals, sopranos , , cameroons, maduros,like the lx2 but made my head swim,lol
I just opened a box of of Gold Maduros with a lil over 8 months on em...if you're interested, I'd be willing to part with 10 of em.
CAO America. It was ok. Good construction, nice aroma, ok flavor. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the cao sticks I've had. Good, but not mind blowing.
x2 , best caos i like are the gold maduros and brazillas , mx2, italias and the vr cathedals, sopranos , , cameroons, maduros,like the lx2 but made my head swim,lol
I just opened a box of of Gold Maduros with a lil over 8 months on em...if you're interested, I'd be willing to part with 10 of em.
let me check how many i have left in the next day or so and ill pm you, thanks,, trade or sell?
CAO America. It was ok. Good construction, nice aroma, ok flavor. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the cao sticks I've had. Good, but not mind blowing.
x2 , best caos i like are the gold maduros and brazillas , mx2, italias and the vr cathedals, sopranos , , cameroons, maduros,like the lx2 but made my head swim,lol
I just opened a box of of Gold Maduros with a lil over 8 months on em...if you're interested, I'd be willing to part with 10 of em.
let me check how many i have left in the next day or so and ill pm you, thanks,, trade or sell?
I started out with an Opus X Lost City (Fantastic) then I finished with a 3.75 hour smoke the AF Hemingway Masterpiece Maduro (9 x 52), What a wonderful smoke even though it is a commitment.
I started out with an Opus X Lost City (Fantastic) then I finished with a 3.75 hour smoke the AF Hemingway Masterpiece Maduro (9 x 52), What a wonderful smoke even though it is a commitment.
Definatley an AJ night, had a man o war while grilling, a ruination afterward and ended the night with an armada while drinking beer with friends, a damn good night!
Definatley an AJ night, had a man o war while grilling, a ruination afterward and ended the night with an armada while drinking beer with friends, a damn good night!
Congrats! That was your 2000th post!
that was definitely a damned good night! You can never go wrong with AJ's cigars!
a few days ago I had a Jaime Garcia Belicoso that I picked up at a local B&M with a buddy of mine before he moved to NY.
I had been wanting to try one of those and it was solid. Much more body than I was expecting, which took me an inch or so to get adjusted to after expecting a very medium smoke, but after that I enjoyed. Didn't love it, but really enjoyed it.
I'm sitting out relaxing with my CAO America bottlerocket right now. I was hoping to smoke this guy yesterday but I never got a cigar in. I had 3 good smokes on Sunday though so I wont complain too much.
Just fired up my last Arganese FDW Santiago Sweet 6x50 Pigtail (naturally artificial sweeteners) I've bout forgot how much I love these cigars! All of the FDW (First Draw Wrapper) series are absolutely delicious, I highly recommend them for anyone that enjoys a good solid medium body cigar. The other two are the Ruby Red and Milan Marble.
that was definitely a damned good night! You can never go wrong with AJ's cigars!
I had been wanting to try one of those and it was solid. Much more body than I was expecting, which took me an inch or so to get adjusted to after expecting a very medium smoke, but after that I enjoyed. Didn't love it, but really enjoyed it.
what i like most about the room 101 line is the finish on them. very leathery and very honduran. love it.