I've only had one or two in my time but remember it being a fantastic mild smoke. Up there with the Ashton Classic line. Very creamy, smooth, mild, slightly sweet...overall, nice cigar.
I've only had one or two in my time but remember it being a fantastic mild smoke.
This is my favorite mild cigar by a long shot! Great flavor, great construction. Just an all around great cigar (and I almost never smoke/enjoy mild cigars).
Very glad to hear the good feedback on these, as this was my first order through ccom! Very excited to have one. Should I smoke one right away or age it for a bit?
Very glad to hear the good feedback on these, as this was my first order through ccom! Very excited to have one. Should I smoke one right away or age it for a bit?
This cigar is amazing after only a couple months, but I smoke them fresh from the B&M all the time and they are still great. If you have enough to last a little while, wait a couple days for it to restabilize and fire one up!
Sound great! I just got mine in the mail today, so I'm excited. I'm going to smoke one pretty soon, maybe even tonight and put the rest in the humidor.
I had one of these a while ago that was gifted to me from a fellow BOTL. Sadly, during shipping there was a hold that was inadvertently punched in the side of the wrapper. I tried to smoke it, but it was a failed attempt. Otherwise, the flavors were very tasty and mild. For a conny wrapper it was very good.
Had the Robusto one on Saturday night with a buddy with gin and tonic. Really liked the cigar. Lots of smoke and smooth. I enjoyed the last 1/3 of the cigar more than anything. It had more flavor and became sweet.
Had the Robusto one on Saturday night with a buddy with gin and tonic. Really liked the cigar. Lots of smoke and smooth. I enjoyed the last 1/3 of the cigar more than anything. It had more flavor and became sweet.
What was the finish like? Long or short? Strong or mild?
Well when I was smoking, I was at the last 1/3 of the cigar and still had about 1-1/2" left of it. I did not get to finish it because I had to leave and had to put the cigar out! Yes, I was dissapoited that I did not get to finish the entire thing, but I thought the last few drags I had taken were the best. Thats when I looked at the cigar and noticed how much I still had left.
Got 6 robustos and 6 epicure from the guys at ccom!
Well I'm pretty new to all this so I dont want to give you the wrong information. I'm still trying to figure out everything there is to cigars when smoking them.
But to your question, I would have to say short and mild. But dont go by that because this was only like my 6th cigar.
Got 6 robustos and 6 epicure from the guys at ccom!
But to your question, I would have to say short and mild. But dont go by that because this was only like my 6th cigar.