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Those who watch Fox News

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
I'm not sure how many of you watch Fox news but I'm sure many of you do. I am not sure if any of you are aware that one of the largest share holders is a saudi prince. http://current.com/1j6cs4c

I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews. Now I am not saying that no network calls out mis truths all the time but as a NEWS company or at least as it calls itself it should. I do believe that most of the news on tv has been skewed as there is way too much corporate control which is why I personally reach out beyond that one source, which is on the tube. I can remember, vaguely how reporting use to be done which sadly I don't see it anymore in the news.


  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Yeah. I really miss unbiased journalism. Not saying FOX News is the only one by any means, but I can't stand watching any of their shows just because of how blatantly biased they are. There's always two sides to any story and I always feel like I'm only getting one of them when I watch them.
  • ljlljl Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 819
    My sister works in a care facility, the residents love this stuff, but it scares the cr*p out of them. Most of them are smart but when you get used to the news being based on facts this stuff is nuts. They get in shouting matches about CNN vs. FOX, not getting out much doesn't help. Scare tactic reporting on either side needs to stop.
  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    I watch some Fox News and then some CNN, the bias usually cancels each other out and voila! I get actual news.

    I've found that for general news without an overall American bias, you'll have to go international. When I was traveling last month, I got BBC World in my hotel and the difference between BBC and American news was like night and day. I actually saw real news being reported, rather than another missing white girl that has gone missing or live coverage of a dog that's been trapped in water.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    I haven't always been a fan of his, but I remember a few months ago on 60 minutes I heard Mickey Rooney say something to the affect of "news hasn't been real news since they came out with 24 hour news channels." This makes a lot of sense, to me at least, it just really seems to have lost it's importance and it's meaning. Now, they just have constant live coverage of the same stupid story for hours on end and most of what they say is just improv filler.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Just remember Feebs, all journalism companies lie. It's how they shape their world and eventually ours. It just depends on what lies you are comfortable with. Obama was a super liberal believing the CNN hype until he hit the oval office and found out the real truth, the truth that neither CNN or Fox will tell you, and now he has backed down on many elections promises and claims and made himself far more moderate. If one wants comprehensive news coverage, watch PBS news, BBC news, and Deutche Welle news.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Feebs man, do you really expect any news source to be unbiased? FOX has it's tilt, just like CNN does - only difference is that FOX is open about their bias; CNN keeps trying to deny it and act like they're impartial (which really grates on my nerves - anyone who watched them during the last election can testify how blatantly biased they are). Whether you love FOX or hate them, at the very least, they don't try to hide the ball about their viewpoint

    Bottom line is, every news source is biased one way or another; even BBC and PBS have a spin to them (yes, ladies and germs, BBC can be quite biased since it's owned and funded by the British Gov't). I like watching FOX news every now and again because it's pretty much the only news source that spins conservative; BBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS - they all go liberal, but to different degrees. If you watch FOX and another liberal network, chances are you'll be getting both views on an issue and you can formulate a reasonably-informed viewpoint; but to watch only FOX or only CNN or only BBC means you're only getting a one-sided, biased viewpoint.
    See my sig for the mental attitude you need when watching any news.

  • jpclotfelterjpclotfelter Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 294
    Is MSNBC any better? I haven't seen any TV in months but I can bet that for Keth Olberman's Worst People In the World segment he included at least two of the following people: Mitch McConnel, Sarah Palin, Eric Cantor, Bill O'reilly, Newt Gingrich, *** Cheney, and Rush Limbaugh. Chris Mathews is no better with the thrill running up his leg when he sees Obama speak.

    News is a for profit business these days and people tend to watch what they agree with. It's no wonder that Fox News triples the ratings scores of any other network.
  • jpclotfelterjpclotfelter Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 294
    Is MSNBC any better? I haven't seen any TV in months but I can bet that for Keth Olberman's Worst People In the World segment he included at least two of the following people: Mitch McConnel, Sarah Palin, Eric Cantor, Bill O'reilly, Newt Gingrich, *** Cheney, and Rush Limbaugh. Chris Mathews is no better with the thrill running up his leg when he sees Obama speak.

    News is a for profit business these days and people tend to watch what they agree with. It's no wonder that Fox News triples the ratings scores of any other network.
    This is hilarious. Apparently you have to use the name Richard when refering to the former Vice-President or else you get filtered by the language police. The irony is not lost on me.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I will agree MSNBC is almost as biased as FOX, although with respect to Olberman---the people listed by JP are generally 1 or 2 of the worst people on earth on any given day. I find CNN to be much less biased that both of them, and while they may have a small left slant...perhaps its that until things become illogical, non-sensical, sexist, misrepresentations, and utilizing weapons of mass disctraction (ie FOXNews progamming) other organizations will always be viewed as left of center.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Regardless of media outlet, there is published research showing a strong liberal media bias...I don't have access to the research handy here at work (I think I posted links to it before), but I can dig it up if someone is interested. Also, a significant majority of members of the media (something like 85 percent) identify themselves as Democrat and donate money to democratic candidates (local/state/federal). This matters. It is virtually impossible to prevent this bias from seeping into their coverage...it's just human nature.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    remember this, it's not who makes history that wins, it's who the history writers say wins who is the real winner. history is written by the victor
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    remember this, it's not who makes history that wins, it's who the history writers say wins who is the real winner. history is written by the victor
    This is one of those statements that is always true regardless. There aren't very many of them out there. Because, even if you're the loser, if you get to write the history books, then you're still the victor.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    I will agree MSNBC is almost as biased as FOX, although with respect to Olberman---the people listed by JP are generally 1 or 2 of the worst people on earth on any given day.
    So by your definition, Sarah Palin or Bill O'Reilly are worse than Ahmajinedad (who imprisons and murders political dissidents), FARC (who execute police who interfere with the drug trade), or Chavez (who's called for the destruction of the US and the rise of world-wide socialism) image

    You might wanna check your cigars; someone might've been slipping something extra into 'em if you can say something like that with a straight face

  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    Check this poll out from last month. 59% of all Americans have little to no faith in the Federal and State Gov. But even worse - 78% of Americans have little to no faith in the News Media. lol:


    As many have already stated, yes FOX news is to the right, but every other media outlet is to the left. Get over it liberals. All media has a slant. Lucky for us, we have the option to watch whatever we choose.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561

    I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews....
    Never remember hearing anything about that.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Everyone loves to bash Fox News simply because the media in this country has leaned so far left for soooo long that a news source that isn't biased at all would seem right wing. I'm not saying Fox News isn't bias, I'm just saying they aren't the evil media outlet everyone makes them out to be. The are no farther to the right than MSLSD or CNN (Communist News Network) are to the left. It just doesn't fit the left's agenda for what a liberal news source should be.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Check this poll out from last month. 59% of all Americans have little to no faith in the Federal and State Gov. But even worse - 78% of Americans have little to no faith in the News Media. lol:


    As many have already stated, yes FOX news is to the right, but every other media outlet is to the left. Get over it liberals. All media has a slant. Lucky for us, we have the option to watch whatever we choose.
    Tat makes a good point, only Fox is slanted right, all others are slanted left or falling off the planet LOL. Cable ratings are out today, Fox news finished 2nd overall, The Cartoon network beat CNN. Hilarious! Fox may have had more viewers than all others combined. Either there are a lot of us right wing conspiracy tea baggers or this country is a little more conservative than the last election let on. I think we will see a correction to that in the next election. Only Politicians get lower poll numbers than CNN and MSNBC.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    Only Politicians get lower poll numbers than CNN and MSNBC.
    LOL. Nice. Not to mention half of the print news papers that I would consider commie liberal propaganda (NY Times, Washington Post, etc) are either going out of business or are slashing jobs like crazy due to their ratings getting crushed. Good.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Fox News works for the same reason that Busweiser works----its easy and its comfortable for the "lowest common demoninator". Not saying people here are simpletons, or that they dont have intelligent people on their side----just saying it takes more brains to question and engage in critical thinking than it does to say that we need to proect the traditional family at all costs and that terorrists are bad....People who watch other news agencies seem to be able to progress a little beyond the "fun to talk about issues" like abortion and death panels and on to a true conversation about issues that impact people.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Fox News works for the same reason that Busweiser works----its easy and its comfortable for the "lowest common demoninator". Not saying people here are simpletons, or that they dont have intelligent people on their side----just saying it takes more brains to question and engage in critical thinking than it does to say that we need to proect the traditional family at all costs and that terorrists are bad....People who watch other news agencies seem to be able to progress a little beyond the "fun to talk about issues" like abortion and death panels and on to a true conversation about issues that impact people.
    See the exact same thing can be said for MSLSD or CNN. It takes some brains to question the President and not just praise him for every move he makes. That's where Fox News comes in. They aren't for the "lowest common denominator," they just go after the issues main stream media refuses to go after. They hold the current administration accountable and everyone loved doing this during the Bush administration, but now that the anointed one is in office, they don't feel it is necessary.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I watch some Fox News and then some CNN, the bias usually cancels each other out and voila! I get actual news.

    I've found that for general news without an overall American bias, you'll have to go international. When I was traveling last month, I got BBC World in my hotel and the difference between BBC and American news was like night and day. I actually saw real news being reported, rather than another missing white girl that has gone missing or live coverage of a dog that's been trapped in water.
    Yeah I tend to view a lot of international media as well. And a lot of it is much more fascinating to me. I couldn't believe that the "balloon" boy took up almost a week of news here. Not to mention other things of non-essential importance.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Fox News works for the same reason that Busweiser works----its easy and its comfortable for the "lowest common demoninator". Not saying people here are simpletons, or that they dont have intelligent people on their side----just saying it takes more brains to question and engage in critical thinking than it does to say that we need to proect the traditional family at all costs and that terorrists are bad....People who watch other news agencies seem to be able to progress a little beyond the "fun to talk about issues" like abortion and death panels and on to a true conversation about issues that impact people.
    See the exact same thing can be said for MSLSD or CNN. It takes some brains to question the President and not just praise him for every move he makes. That's where Fox News comes in. They aren't for the "lowest common denominator," they just go after the issues main stream media refuses to go after. They hold the current administration accountable and everyone loved doing this during the Bush administration, but now that the anointed one is in office, they don't feel it is necessary.
    Well they weren't at all critical about the last admin puro. Though when a democrat is in office they attack it at every moment. And on the left, the dems get attacked a lot but mainly because they admin is going about things with a "centrist" mind. Almost every bill has been watered down to be basically worthless. Also caving in to the few and ruining a real progressive agenda. Imagine if say 9-11 happened on a Democrat watch, Oh My Lord they would be impeached within a matter of weeks. An example of how "false" fox is as a "news" company is when Dems announced they were going to use reconciliation. All over Fox News and on the Right Wing Nut Radio they were calling it a travesty and against the rules. As well as calling it the Nuclear Option which none of them is true.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

    I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews....
    Never remember hearing anything about that.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Fox News works for the same reason that Busweiser works----its easy and its comfortable for the "lowest common demoninator". Not saying people here are simpletons, or that they dont have intelligent people on their side----just saying it takes more brains to question and engage in critical thinking than it does to say that we need to proect the traditional family at all costs and that terorrists are bad....People who watch other news agencies seem to be able to progress a little beyond the "fun to talk about issues" like abortion and death panels and on to a true conversation about issues that impact people.
    See the exact same thing can be said for MSLSD or CNN. It takes some brains to question the President and not just praise him for every move he makes. That's where Fox News comes in. They aren't for the "lowest common denominator," they just go after the issues main stream media refuses to go after. They hold the current administration accountable and everyone loved doing this during the Bush administration, but now that the anointed one is in office, they don't feel it is necessary.
    Well they weren't at all critical about the last admin puro. Though when a democrat is in office they attack it at every moment. And on the left, the dems get attacked a lot but mainly because they admin is going about things with a "centrist" mind. Almost every bill has been watered down to be basically worthless. Also caving in to the few and ruining a real progressive agenda. Imagine if say 9-11 happened on a Democrat watch, Oh My Lord they would be impeached within a matter of weeks. An example of how "false" fox is as a "news" company is when Dems announced they were going to use reconciliation. All over Fox News and on the Right Wing Nut Radio they were calling it a travesty and against the rules. As well as calling it the Nuclear Option which none of them is true.
    First of all, the reconciliation deal is not right and this is not the type of legislation it was meant to be used for. Period. This was supposed to be used to fix the federal budget, not pass a sweeping bill that will totally change one sixth of the nations economy.
    Next, Fox News was not as critical of President Bush as other agencies, but they were critical. The current administration has gotten a free pass from 90% of the media, but Fox doesn't let that happen. No President deserves a free pass. They must ALL be held accountable.

    The last point is that the progressive movement (aka liberalism) has been what has brought this country to the shape we are in today. In the 1700's we moved away from Europe and for damn good reason! They were on the "progressive" track of socialism and we saw that this was not the way we wanted our great nation to be run. We broke free and forged a new path, one that gave freedom to all! Now the liberls or progressives, or what ever you want to call them, and they are in both parties, have started trying to steer us back to the European path. That is not the path of the America we all love. A free capitalist republic built the most powerful nation in the world in the blink of an eye. Why everyone wants to derail this great nation is beyond me...
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews.
    please link me here. i dont remember that.
    I do believe that most of the news on tv has been skewed
    as there is way too much corporate control
    no... its because people are people and its impossible for anyone to say anything without influencing it.

    you believe that corporations run everything. corporations CANT run anything. they dont exist. people exist. people control things. they have a right to do what they want so long as they do not violate the rights of others. you have never once shown me how corporations control me or anyone else. you cant. ...because they dont because they cant.
    which is why I personally reach out beyond that one source
    i dont like TV in general. not for me.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471

    I watch it from time to time and over just say the last year they have false-i-fied video (tea bagger parties), lied countless times about the health care bills/proposals, instill fear and never if rarely correct mis-truths on the air or when giving interviews....
    Never remember hearing anything about that.
    if MSNBC would have done this it never once would have been mentioned. mmmm media bias....

    edit(about 3 hours on): now that ive thought about this a bit i think i can see the perception here.
    if i had a preconceived notion that FOXNEWS was evil, this could bee seen as intentional and planned, however, i cannot say if that was the case or not. I honestly dont know enough about FOX to make that call, nor do i know what is in their hearts (nor anyone else's for that matter). news corporations have millions of hours of stock footage, extra footage, lost footage, and general footage. they also have thousands of people working for them. if anyone has ever worked in a larger company, it is very easy to know that, in fact, good help is hard to find. i dont know if thats the case. again, i dont know what is in the hearts of others. I choose to be more optimistic than that. i think that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and any other news outlet is always trying to give what they feel is the best news they can. Is there an agenda for all of them... yes.

    easy solution: watch them all from time to time. decide for yourself.
    question everything.
    (tea bagger parties)
    this is blatant name calling. i thought you were above this.
  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    I watch some Fox News and then some CNN, the bias usually cancels each other out and voila! I get actual news.

    I've found that for general news without an overall American bias, you'll have to go international. When I was traveling last month, I got BBC World in my hotel and the difference between BBC and American news was like night and day. I actually saw real news being reported, rather than another missing white girl that has gone missing or live coverage of a dog that's been trapped in water.
    Yeah I tend to view a lot of international media as well. And a lot of it is much more fascinating to me. I couldn't believe that the "balloon" boy took up almost a week of news here. Not to mention other things of non-essential importance.
    America has a very different definition of the term "news" than the rest of the world, as your balloon boy example shows. American "anchors" are now people like Rick Sanchez, who's only job is to provide comments on comments made on Twitter (quite possibly the worst thing to happen to the Internet. Ever.). Like a lot of things I've noticed, the news is now configured to the lowest common denominator.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    CNN and MSNBC work for the same reason that Budweiser works----its easy and its comfortable for the "lowest common demoninator". Not saying people here are simpletons, or that they dont have intelligent people on their side----just saying it takes more brains to question and engage in critical thinking than it does to say that we need to protect the traditional family at all costs and that terorrists are bad....People who watch other news agencies seem to be able to progress a little beyond the "fun to talk about issues" like abortion and death panels and on to a true conversation about issues that impact people.

    Good point, Vulchor.
  • bacon.jaybacon.jay Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 718
    I don't care what the news channels say, or who is in office at any given time.

    As long as I get to keep all of my guns and cigars, and I don't have to pay anyone else's medical bills, I'll be happy.

  • 24footjet24footjet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 132
    Yeah, great points Vulchor. Killing babies is awesome! Let's allow tax monies in a health care bill to be used to kill more kids WOOOHOOO! Ya great! Killing hundreds of thousands of innocent children is an issue that impacts people.
    Not saying people here are simpletons..just saying it takes more brains to engage in critical thinking. Save it. You think conservatives are as dumb as your leaders do. They know people have figured them out, that's why all this health stuff is in full gear. Oh and terrorist are bad. Understand a smidgen about Jihad and Muslims, obviously you don't understand their mentality.
    And the family is why this country is great, that is why it is such an important issue. Look up stats on whole families as opposed to broken ones. Do some research before you chime back in.
    Conservatives stand for something, liberals stand for nothing... and you guys can't stand it.
    Phobic... on par for a Portland guy with the teabagger comment. You higher thinkers sure can stoop low.
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