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More curiosity

jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
By now, you guys have probably all read the interview with Kaizad Hansotia that's in the new C.Com catalog. I've got a question about one of the topics they covered.

Mr. Hansotia says he bought 18-year old leaves in 1996 and infused them with a whole bottle of Louis XIII Cognac per box of 20 cigars.

I can't even begin to guess how that might be possible. I mean, even if the leaves were left to age in the infusion chamber for an extremely long period of time, I can't imagine how the relatively small amount of tobacco it would take to make 20 cigars could possibly absorb a whole bottle of Cognac. And remember, 1996 was only what? 14 years ago? In 14 short years those leaves would soak up a whole bottle? And, don't forget, they've been selling HMR's for a good while, too.

Of course, it may all depend on what your definition of 'is' is - or (if your name isn't Clinton) what your definition of 'a whole bottle' is, in this case.

Does this strike anyone else as being odd, or am I just 'picking nits'?



  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    I think he was referring to His Majesty's Reserve...... How he does it, I have no idea. But for $750 per cigar, I could care less. Unless I hit the lottery, I'll never try one.
  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    Marketing is all about making insinuations. When they say a whole bottle of Louis XIII, you think that it is a full regular sized bottle when in reality it might be just an 4oz bottle (pure speculation on my part here). So while not outright lying, there is some bending and stretching of the truth.
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