How 'bout that? We're doing a prime rib, too. We'll put it on about 4:00pm leaving plenty oif time for a stogie - just like you did. I guess great minds run in the same track...........
Nice. High 50s-Low 60s here. Pork spare ribs with a dry rub just went down on the smoker. Still drinking my morning coffee here @ 12:40 and about to go enjoy a Gurhka's Park Ave while I wait.
A balmy 54 today in the cold Northeast. After our winter, that's summer weather to us. For the fourth day in a row, I was able to smoke a cigar. Today, my son, wife and I were even able to sit on the patio and enjoy the sun and my son and I enjoyed our cigars. I didn't even have to go in the "man shed."
64 and sunny where i was in Northern California....... Smoked a couple today one great smoke the other fell apart as soon as I cut it........ Bummer and I had never had one before. So goes the Cigar world i guess.
Sounds nice Ozzie. Been a little cloudy and chilly the past couple days down in So. California, other than that it has been pretty nice down here too. Can't wait for spring but wouldn't mind waiting for summer, not looking forward to the triple digits myself.
Its a wonderful 68 degrees here and not a cloud in the sky, perfect smoking weather! It feels great, its been a while.
It had to be in the 70s here on Saturday, but yesterday was a little cloudy and windy, still in the low 60's though. So far today is looking great, hopefully it stays nice.
yeah, today's gonna be beautiful - was finally able to go and read my newspaper outside in the sun. In the shade it's a tad cold, somewhere in the 60's, but if you can get into the sun, it's nice and warm, around 75F or so
45 degrees here and I have been in a T shirt all day! Spring is awesome.
LoL, I could never live there in MI. It's going to be 70 today in GA
Krieg MI=Michigan, Mn=Minnesota both=cold as we are looking at 51 today which if you live here some say isn't cold but that's BS in my book. I love 70's and sunny.
I'm jealous- it's 7-0 degrees here with 6-12 inches of blowing snow. Miserable enough to just go outside let alone to go out and enjoy a smoke. Hopefully the weekend will bring some nice smoking weather.