Thanks Maduro
Just wanted to thank Maduro for talking me into getting the CigarOasis. I have had it in for about a week now and my humi is resting at a beautiful 66%. I had to set the Oasis at 73.0 not sure if this is normal but whatever gets my humidity up.... Just one question. You said you used beads with your Oasis, WHY??? is this just to get the humidity down during the more hmid months or what?????? Once again THANK YOU....
First, yes it is common for the hygrometer in the oasis to be very off and it tends to get more off the longer you have it. Never trust it.
Second, Yes the beads are for absorbing excess humidity. I live in Va Beach, its really humid here 3 out of the 4 seasons.
Finally like xMacro said the foam in the water cartridge will start coming apart and molding if you leave it in there too long. You can either buy a replacement cartridge every few months OR break apart the water cartridge, remove all the foam and fill it with something else. I filled mine with beads and have not had good luck with them. Once they start getting dry they get sucked up in to the fan and jam it. I'm probably going to order some of the poly crystals and give that a try.