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Smoking Cigars in Afghanistan.

PederPeder Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 13
My first deployment as a brand new Lieutenant in the U.S. Army brought me to Afghanistan. I didn't like being away from my wife, but I was ready to start my career as an Officer. One of the ways that my Commander, CPT Gamache, would professionally develop me was to smoke cigars at the end of the day with other Officers. We would bring some lawnchairs to this little hill overlooking the valley and hang out. It was a great way to unwind at the end of the day. Talk about work was inevitable, but we weren't actually working in doing so. It was more about talking about recent events. It wasn't a time to "get things done" in a conversation, but to relax. Sitting around smoking cigars was a great way to get to know people. You got to meet the real person while they weren't in work-mode or trying act a certain way. I'm now on my second deployment as an Army Officer and there is no change that I've seen in the way that cigars bring people together. Just having cigars in common lets you get to know people that you wouldn't otherwise. Last deployment I bummed cigars off of my Commander. This deployment will be different in that I'll share what I've got in my stocked humidor with the new Second Lieutenants. Enjoy smoking everybody!


  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311
    Thanks for all that you are doing over there...I hope the cigar lets you forget where you are atleast for an hour or so. Thank you!
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Thank you for your service.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    One of my biggest regrets from my deployment to Iraq in 2005 is that I was not into cigars. I had money and time to start a great cigar collection and smoke often.

    Thank you for your service - and remember to take care of your NCOs - we are way more fun to get to know than officers. ;)
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    One of my biggest regrets from my deployment to Iraq in 2005 is that I was not into cigars. I had money and time to start a great cigar collection and smoke often.

    Thank you for your service - and remember to take care of your NCOs - we are way more fun to get to know than officers. ;)
    +1 on both. Phil maybe you & I should show him some of those special hand & arm signals! Thanks for your service sir!
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    One of my biggest regrets from my deployment to Iraq in 2005 is that I was not into cigars. I had money and time to start a great cigar collection and smoke often.

    Thank you for your service - and remember to take care of your NCOs - we are way more fun to get to know than officers. ;)
    +1 on both. Phil maybe you & I should show him some of those special hand & arm signals! Thanks for your service sir!
    I forgot about that! KACAWW!!! KACAWWW!!! Can't believe our LT didn't kill us, lol.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Thank you for your service!
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    We are in debt to you for your service to us and this nation. Smoking cigars in theater gives you an opportunity to show some of those fresh LT's a little class and a touch of home. Well done sir!
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    One of my biggest regrets from my deployment to Iraq in 2005 is that I was not into cigars. I had money and time to start a great cigar collection and smoke often.

    Thank you for your service - and remember to take care of your NCOs - we are way more fun to get to know than officers. ;)
    +1 on both. Phil maybe you & I should show him some of those special hand & arm signals! Thanks for your service sir!
    I forgot about that! KACAWW!!! KACAWWW!!! Can't believe our LT didn't kill us, lol.
    Arms wavying like a falcon! LMAO......I'm surprised seriles didn't kill everyone. Sorry there sir didn't mean to side track this train but you know us NCO's always trying to take over.
  • PederPeder Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 13
    I hear you Tat about taking care of NCOs. My father is retired enlisted. He wanted his 3 sons (all Army officers) to listen to their NCOs. As far as I know I haven't Blue-Falconed anyone...I'll try to continue this trend. I appreciate the replies in regard to supporting the military. I didn't expect this thread to include so much gratitude. I mentioned previously that my boss introduced me to cigars. I'm just glad that I'm in a place where I can pass along the favor and share cigars with others. Cigars are a time-honored tradition in which so many rich characters in history have taken part. I may not look as cool as Arnold Schwarznegger or Che Guevarra when I smoke, or exercise the political power of Winston Churchill and JFK, or have something witty to say about cigars like Mark Twain, but I suppose that I can enjoy them just as much. Hopefully, I can bring "...a little class..." to a few 2nd LTs like FLA-Gypsy suggested. Enjoy your cigars and relax in the fact that there are so many little things that don't matter in the long run. Cheers!
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    I hear you Tat about taking care of NCOs. My father is retired enlisted. He wanted his 3 sons (all Army officers) to listen to their NCOs. As far as I know I haven't Blue-Falconed anyone...I'll try to continue this trend. I appreciate the replies in regard to supporting the military. I didn't expect this thread to include so much gratitude. I mentioned previously that my boss introduced me to cigars. I'm just glad that I'm in a place where I can pass along the favor and share cigars with others. Cigars are a time-honored tradition in which so many rich characters in history have taken part. I may not look as cool as Arnold Schwarznegger or Che Guevarra when I smoke, or exercise the political power of Winston Churchill and JFK, or have something witty to say about cigars like Mark Twain, but I suppose that I can enjoy them just as much. Hopefully, I can bring "...a little class..." to a few 2nd LTs like FLA-Gypsy suggested. Enjoy your cigars and relax in the fact that there are so many little things that don't matter in the long run. Cheers!
    I just got back about a week ago from Afghanistan. The whole time I was over there the guys on here were sending me packages and telling me thanks. It really helped, and I hope you find the same support (I know you will). PM me your address and let me know if you ever need anything. If you order cigars from here, call in your orders ti Jeff Jackson. Tell him Evan sent you and he will hook you up like crazy. I'll actualy email hm on monday and let him know you may be contacting him. He is a great guy with an NPO that sends care packages to deployed troops, and he is also hosting a charity golf eventto benefit the Wounded Warrior Foundation. I was suprised by it as well, but you will find a lot of love for the military on here. Quite a few of the guys have served or are serving currently. Good luck! I hope you make it hoe safe.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    oops... wrong thread :-)
  • rdnstnrdnstn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 991
    I wasn't into cigars during my 2005-2006 deployment either but got into them during my tour in 2007-2008 and it was a very similar story. My company commander had a campfire every Saturday with the other company commanders in our battalion and some of the battalion staff. Over the deployment some would come and some would go until it finally ended up being the company commanders, the battalion commander and myself. I was the only enlisted person there but was always welcomed to the group. Maybe it was my sage senior NCO advice. Sometimes we would talk about issues but most of the time, work talk was verboten. I have been hooked ever since.
  • bushwoodbushwood Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 31
    Thank you for all you are doing over there. My son is a US Marine Corps Sergeant and recently returned from Afghanistan after a previous rotation to Iraq, so I can feel for you and your family. Your sacrifices and the sacrifices of your family are not forgotten here. Millions of Americans are extremely proud of your service to this great nation.

    I hope and pray that you will return safely and with the knowledge that your contribution is of great value. Thanks again and be safe!

  • N0tAChanc34UN0tAChanc34U Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6
    Don't know if you're still following this sir but just wanted to say that I am deployed to Afghaniland now and have picked up the wonderful hobby that is cigars. Bought my first humi while over here and got some of those cuban monitcristos they sell at the store haha. You definitely make new friends you didn't expect to make seeing as my cpt and csm are both my new smoking pals. It is nice to know that rank has no place in the enjoyment of a cigar among the company of friends. Enjoy the smoke yall.
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