I didn't. I heard it was a strong speach. For me, I need more than words to build my life on and although his intentions are good (at least it seems), he hasn't produced the results that his party expected.
personally I can't stand his BS and I can guarantee that this thread will be in the crapper faster than Indian food being eaten by a man with irritable bowell syndrome.
High expectations...or unreasonable expectations can be dashed rapidly I guess. Words are never a strong foundation to build anything on...his words can become reality but not overnight and not without some help from his colleagues. Do you and everyone else expect HIM to accomplish everything....in one year? Come on get real....I hate to bring this up, but the MESS this man inherited has been building for over 18 years. But as it was building we all were sitting back getting "fat and happy" while the others were getting RICH at a number of our expenses. and as that was happening the WORDS they were uttering was nothing but lies and dribble that we bought...Quite frankly, I hope this thread does die a quick death becasue it can only point to how shallow our thinging can get.
didn't watch but read the transcripts because:
He preaches like a southern baptist minister
I can't stand looking at Pelosi's face for more than three seconds
I can't deal with all the butt kisses clapping every other sentence (that goes for GOP Presidents too).
Did I read correctly that he wants to take money made from the bailouts and build a high-speed rail system to create jobs? I hope not only for the fact that any money made should be used to pay down debt.
Did he say taxes haven't gone up for the middle class? BS. SCHIP is one of several examples.
Double exports in five years? Huh? How?
Publish earmarks?? Are you kidding, Mr. President? Do you not know that there are over 9000 earmarks in some of the proposed Health Care bills that are on YOUR plate?
And exactly who is calling 2000-2010 "The Lost Decade"? I have never heard this before.
College Tuiton. Did I read that correctly? Pay back 10% of your income max per year, but if you dont pay it off in 20 years its wiped away? What?! What lesson are we teaching here?
High expectations...or unreasonable expectations can be dashed rapidly I guess. Words are never a strong foundation to build anything on...his words can become reality but not overnight and not without some help from his colleagues. Do you and everyone else expect HIM to accomplish everything....in one year? Come on get real....I hate to bring this up, but the MESS this man inherited has been building for over 18 years. But as it was building we all were sitting back getting "fat and happy" while the others were getting RICH at a number of our expenses. and as that was happening the WORDS they were uttering was nothing but lies and dribble that we bought...Quite frankly, I hope this thread does die a quick death becasue it can only point to how shallow our thinging can get.
When the MTV and Oprah followers elect someone that is all bull and no beef, this type of thing happens. He's a rock star, not a Commander in Chief. Do I expect more, your damn right I do. Do I expect miracles, NO. I expect to have a President with his nose to the grindstone, trying to find ways to save jobs, save money, and save our economy. So far we've spent money, lost jobs, and our economy is in the toilet. Is it one man's fault. Nope. It can't be. Is it one party's fault, not a chance, both sides have their greedy agendas and BS they masquerade as betterment for society. Is it his fault he didn't do a damn thing for the first 100 days of his presidency. Yes it is.
didn't watch but read the transcripts because:
He preaches like a southern baptist minister
I can't stand looking at Pelosi's face for more than three seconds
I can't deal with all the butt kisses clapping every other sentence (that goes for GOP Presidents too).
Did I read correctly that he wants to take money made from the bailouts and build a high-speed rail system to create jobs? I hope not only for the fact that any money made should be used to pay down debt.
Did he say taxes haven't gone up for the middle class? BS. SCHIP is one of several examples.
Double exports in five years? Huh? How?
Publish earmarks?? Are you kidding, Mr. President? Do you not know that there are over 9000 earmarks in some of the proposed Health Care bills that are on YOUR plate?
And exactly who is calling 2000-2010 "The Lost Decade"? I have never heard this before.
College Tuiton. Did I read that correctly? Pay back 10% of your income max per year, but if you dont pay it off in 20 years its wiped away? What?! What lesson are we teaching here?
lol, I agree she does have a scary face... hehe..
Why doesn't a rail system make sense? China is working on one, France is working on one that will be a hover type rail system that will go some 300plus miles per hour. I think that would be terrific to have a rail system like our highway system through the entire US. Building roads in this country was a huge benefit. Besides paying off debt without improving infrastructure and increase commerce won't do much.
Ship was BS and though I like helping out kids, I also don't like how cigars and pipe tobacco got hit. especially when we are already highly taxed. But basically middle class taxes haven't gone up. In fact we got a cut, I saw it on my checks. About 40ish or so a month. I don't make over 200k so for me I didn't see my taxes go up.
What's wrong with the education incentive? I think it's great. Students need help, real help. Graduating with 40 and up thousand dollars and that kind of debt kills you. my wife has 26 thousand in debt and that is just for going to school and the rat basdards who bought her loan from the place she originally got it from have been raking up interest rates on her, up to 30 percent because she can't pay it off right now, and she graduated last year!!!! So yeah, this is a great thing. And she doesn't make a butt load of money, she had to accept a job making 12.00 bucks an hour and she's got a degree! Best she could get.
I can't stand seeing nancy pilosi up there ..... She's the thing nightmares are made of.
I'm not making any comments about her politics and I know it's shallow and will be taken out of context but... the broad looks like Skeletor. Every time I see her... I'm like Damn, they make a cream for that.
I can't stand seeing nancy pilosi up there ..... She's the thing nightmares are made of.
I'm not making any comments about her politics and I know it's shallow and will be taken out of context but... the broad looks like Skeletor. Every time I see her... I'm like Damn, they make a cream for that.
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
Just to address the Supreme court decision, why was it so horrendous to uphold the constitution? Does freedom of speech not apply to everyone in your vision of our country? Also the SOTU is not the place to call out the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution just because you don't agree with it. If he does disagree with it, then he needs to campaign to amend the Constitution where not everyone is afforded free speech and see how well that goes over.
Also the high speed rail system he spoke of, he said there would be $8 billion spent on this. I don't think he said the amount in the SOTU speech, but it was announced later. This is a good idea? REALLY? Because we have all seen how well a government operated passenger rail system works... Just look at the history of Amtrak.
On another note, it is not the job of the federal government to pay for college education. In all honesty it shouldn't be the federal governments job to be involved in education period. It wasn't there job for a couple hundred years until the brilliant Jimmy Carter came along and narrowly slipped through the creation of the Dept. Of Education. Basically what he did with this was hand over control from the states and the parents, to special-interest groups and teachers unions. Like the old bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can't, thank a teachers union."
On another note, it is not the job of the federal government to pay for college education. In all honesty it shouldn't be the federal governments job to be involved in education period. It wasn't there job for a couple hundred years until the brilliant Jimmy Carter came along and narrowly slipped through the creation of the Dept. Of Education. Basically what he did with this was hand over control from the states and the parents, to special-interest groups and teachers unions. Like the old bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can't, thank a teachers union."
Ahh yes ...Jimmy Carter ...one of the sneakiest Presidents we ever had to hide behind the Bible. It was Carter who set up his ex-budget director Bert Lance with wealthy Saudia Arabian investor Ghaith Pharaon to buy out Lance's stake in National Bank of Georgia at TWICE its book value ! Lance a close personal friend of Carters , this was his buy out for being forced to re-sign because of his banking practices and debt. Don't mean to de-rail but it just pisses me off to hear people talk about what a wonderful christian leader Carter was . He had as many faults as most of our leaders with-in the past 40 or so years have had .
On another note, it is not the job of the federal government to pay for college education. In all honesty it shouldn't be the federal governments job to be involved in education period. It wasn't there job for a couple hundred years until the brilliant Jimmy Carter came along and narrowly slipped through the creation of the Dept. Of Education. Basically what he did with this was hand over control from the states and the parents, to special-interest groups and teachers unions. Like the old bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can't, thank a teachers union."
Yeah, I agree with you here, Im not sure who came up with the loan forgiveness on higher education, but that is a bit off
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
Just to address the Supreme court decision, why was it so horrendous to uphold the constitution? Does freedom of speech not apply to everyone in your vision of our country? Also the SOTU is not the place to call out the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution just because you don't agree with it. If he does disagree with it, then he needs to campaign to amend the Constitution where not everyone is afforded free speech and see how well that goes over.
Also the high speed rail system he spoke of, he said there would be $8 billion spent on this. I don't think he said the amount in the SOTU speech, but it was announced later. This is a good idea? REALLY? Because we have all seen how well a government operated passenger rail system works... Just look at the history of Amtrak.
On another note, it is not the job of the federal government to pay for college education. In all honesty it shouldn't be the federal governments job to be involved in education period. It wasn't there job for a couple hundred years until the brilliant Jimmy Carter came along and narrowly slipped through the creation of the Dept. Of Education. Basically what he did with this was hand over control from the states and the parents, to special-interest groups and teachers unions. Like the old bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can't, thank a teachers union."
Yeah, I agree with you here, Im not sure who came up with the loan forgiveness on higher education, but that is a bit off
Whos gonna pick up the tab on that one.
American education could be fixed if learning a trade was pushed harder.
Hate to say it but so many people have degrees and 0 marketable (/recession proof) skills.
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
Just to address the Supreme court decision, why was it so horrendous to uphold the constitution? Does freedom of speech not apply to everyone in your vision of our country? Also the SOTU is not the place to call out the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution just because you don't agree with it. If he does disagree with it, then he needs to campaign to amend the Constitution where not everyone is afforded free speech and see how well that goes over.
Also the high speed rail system he spoke of, he said there would be $8 billion spent on this. I don't think he said the amount in the SOTU speech, but it was announced later. This is a good idea? REALLY? Because we have all seen how well a government operated passenger rail system works... Just look at the history of Amtrak.
I think that this is a bit de-railed here.
Well the first paragraph was a reply to your post, but the second half was to an earlier post about what a good idea it is to build a high speed rail system. Yours was just the last post so I quoted you.
And this has what to do with the SOTU speech? Not being a smart ass, honestly asking.
Since a lot of it was from the STate of the union. Seems that a lot of stuff doesn't get sunk in with some.
It's not that it doesn't sink in, it just doesn't work in the real world. What does the President repeating himself to a different audience mean? It doesn't make his policies right... It doesn't mean they will bring us out of the economic problems we are in. I just couldn't figure out what posting a link to a transcript of him repeating himself proves? His teleprompter works in more than one location? lol
In response to your idea that a high speed rail system would be a good thing, I do ask why you think that is? Seriously look at Amtrak. Congress created Amtrak in 1970 to be a "for profit" corporation and despite receiving more than $30 billion in funding, including $1.3 billion as part of the stimulus package last year, they have lost money every single year since the company was created. Why would this be a good idea at a higher speed?
On another note, it is not the job of the federal government to pay for college education. In all honesty it shouldn't be the federal governments job to be involved in education period. It wasn't there job for a couple hundred years until the brilliant Jimmy Carter came along and narrowly slipped through the creation of the Dept. Of Education. Basically what he did with this was hand over control from the states and the parents, to special-interest groups and teachers unions. Like the old bumper sticker says, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can't, thank a teachers union."
My wife, brother, and two friends are teachers and I hear the madness every day. The mindset of these "experts" that are making decisions for our educational system are crippling our future. I can't even start on the mind-blowing idiocy that comes from these beurocrats' (State level too) offices.
didn't watch but read the transcripts because:
He preaches like a southern baptist minister
I can't stand looking at Pelosi's face for more than three seconds
I can't deal with all the butt kisses clapping every other sentence (that goes for GOP Presidents too).
Did I read correctly that he wants to take money made from the bailouts and build a high-speed rail system to create jobs? I hope not only for the fact that any money made should be used to pay down debt.
Did he say taxes haven't gone up for the middle class? BS. SCHIP is one of several examples.
Double exports in five years? Huh? How?
Publish earmarks?? Are you kidding, Mr. President? Do you not know that there are over 9000 earmarks in some of the proposed Health Care bills that are on YOUR plate?
And exactly who is calling 2000-2010 "The Lost Decade"? I have never heard this before.
College Tuiton. Did I read that correctly? Pay back 10% of your income max per year, but if you dont pay it off in 20 years its wiped away? What?! What lesson are we teaching here?
lol, I agree she does have a scary face... hehe..
Why doesn't a rail system make sense? China is working on one, France is working on one that will be a hover type rail system that will go some 300plus miles per hour. I think that would be terrific to have a rail system like our highway system through the entire US. Building roads in this country was a huge benefit. Besides paying off debt without improving infrastructure and increase commerce won't do much.
Ship was BS and though I like helping out kids, I also don't like how cigars and pipe tobacco got hit. especially when we are already highly taxed. But basically middle class taxes haven't gone up. In fact we got a cut, I saw it on my checks. About 40ish or so a month. I don't make over 200k so for me I didn't see my taxes go up.
What's wrong with the education incentive? I think it's great. Students need help, real help. Graduating with 40 and up thousand dollars and that kind of debt kills you. my wife has 26 thousand in debt and that is just for going to school and the rat basdards who bought her loan from the place she originally got it from have been raking up interest rates on her, up to 30 percent because she can't pay it off right now, and she graduated last year!!!! So yeah, this is a great thing. And she doesn't make a butt load of money, she had to accept a job making 12.00 bucks an hour and she's got a degree! Best she could get.
Spending money to get out of debt?? Not a good idea. The rail system may not be a bad idea between close cities like those in the northern and mid-atlantic region but chances are it will work in a deficit, especially if .gov is behind it.
I still have school debt too. The point I was making was that we are giving students the option to ignore their debt because it'll be relieved if it isn't paid off in time. The burden is passed to the rest of us. There were something like 6 states that loosened the cap on tuition just days after Obama said he was giving relief to students. Florida's legislature let its tuition go up something like 15% the next day!! I know because I'm looking to enroll my Son into Florida Pre-Pay.
We get screwed one way or another and people are too blind to see it because they're too busy pointing their finger at the Dems or the GOP. Most on Capital Hill work for the same cause, to *** over the American people. And we buy it because they offer it too us like candy. Just like default mortgages. I know people who have bailed on their house because they can get more for much less. And their doing so because they're not being penalized long term for it. The rest of us pick up the slack. It's about accountability. The system doesn't believe in it anymore. Everyone is entitled and nobody needs to be accountable for their actions. THAT'S BULLSHIT! That's how prosperity and independence dies.
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
Just to address the Supreme court decision, why was it so horrendous to uphold the constitution? Does freedom of speech not apply to everyone in your vision of our country? Also the SOTU is not the place to call out the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution just because you don't agree with it. If he does disagree with it, then he needs to campaign to amend the Constitution where not everyone is afforded free speech and see how well that goes over.
Also the high speed rail system he spoke of, he said there would be $8 billion spent on this. I don't think he said the amount in the SOTU speech, but it was announced later. This is a good idea? REALLY? Because we have all seen how well a government operated passenger rail system works... Just look at the history of Amtrak.
I think that this is a bit de-railed here.
Well the first paragraph was a reply to your post, but the second half was to an earlier post about what a good idea it is to build a high speed rail system. Yours was just the last post so I quoted you.
Why isnt the SOTU address a good place to address a Supreme court decesion? This was a HISTORICAL ruling overturning a law that has been in place for a long time. What did they just overlook it for the last oh hundred years? So basically you want corporations - Foreing or US based - to be able to control All Advertising surrounding elections? Not a Good Idea!
personally I can't stand his BS and I can guarantee that this thread will be in the crapper faster than Indian food being eaten by a man with irritable bowell syndrome.
He preaches like a southern baptist minister
I can't stand looking at Pelosi's face for more than three seconds
I can't deal with all the butt kisses clapping every other sentence (that goes for GOP Presidents too).
Did I read correctly that he wants to take money made from the bailouts and build a high-speed rail system to create jobs? I hope not only for the fact that any money made should be used to pay down debt.
Did he say taxes haven't gone up for the middle class? BS. SCHIP is one of several examples.
Double exports in five years? Huh? How?
Publish earmarks?? Are you kidding, Mr. President? Do you not know that there are over 9000 earmarks in some of the proposed Health Care bills that are on YOUR plate?
And exactly who is calling 2000-2010 "The Lost Decade"? I have never heard this before.
College Tuiton. Did I read that correctly? Pay back 10% of your income max per year, but if you dont pay it off in 20 years its wiped away? What?! What lesson are we teaching here?
So you're saying you're not open to meaningful dialog?
And that makes us shallow thinkers... ok... that makes perfect sense.
Why doesn't a rail system make sense? China is working on one, France is working on one that will be a hover type rail system that will go some 300plus miles per hour. I think that would be terrific to have a rail system like our highway system through the entire US. Building roads in this country was a huge benefit. Besides paying off debt without improving infrastructure and increase commerce won't do much.
Ship was BS and though I like helping out kids, I also don't like how cigars and pipe tobacco got hit. especially when we are already highly taxed. But basically middle class taxes haven't gone up. In fact we got a cut, I saw it on my checks. About 40ish or so a month. I don't make over 200k so for me I didn't see my taxes go up.
What's wrong with the education incentive? I think it's great. Students need help, real help. Graduating with 40 and up thousand dollars and that kind of debt kills you. my wife has 26 thousand in debt and that is just for going to school and the rat basdards who bought her loan from the place she originally got it from have been raking up interest rates on her, up to 30 percent because she can't pay it off right now, and she graduated last year!!!! So yeah, this is a great thing. And she doesn't make a butt load of money, she had to accept a job making 12.00 bucks an hour and she's got a degree! Best she could get.
I'm not making any comments about her politics
and I know it's shallow and will be taken out of context but... the broad looks like Skeletor.
Every time I see her... I'm like Damn, they make a cream for that.
I dont think he stated the bailout money was going into high speed rail. I though he said he was going to mark it for small busieness loans to build up small busieness.
KUZI = Time to make the chocolate piggy NATIONAL!!
The was a bunch of same ole rhetoric, but that happens at every one of these no matther who is in office.
I do like the fact that this was the first time I have the President specifically address his GOP counterparts and ask them for their help in a SOTU address.
I LOVE that he called out the Supreme Court for their recent HORRENDOUS decesion. I think we should make a whole thread about this one. Its a big enough topic.
Again, I was encourage and was very encouraged that he still plans on being out of Iraq by the end of his term.
Also the high speed rail system he spoke of, he said there would be $8 billion spent on this. I don't think he said the amount in the SOTU speech, but it was announced later. This is a good idea? REALLY? Because we have all seen how well a government operated passenger rail system works... Just look at the history of Amtrak.
Ahh yes ...Jimmy Carter ...one of the sneakiest Presidents we ever had to hide behind the Bible. It was Carter who set up his ex-budget director Bert Lance with wealthy Saudia Arabian investor Ghaith Pharaon to buy out Lance's stake in National Bank of Georgia at TWICE its book value ! Lance a close personal friend of Carters , this was his buy out for being forced to re-sign because of his banking practices and debt. Don't mean to de-rail but it just pisses me off to hear people talk about what a wonderful christian leader Carter was . He had as many faults as most of our leaders with-in the past 40 or so years have had .
Yeah, I agree with you here, Im not sure who came up with the loan forgiveness on higher education, but that is a bit off
Whos gonna pick up the tab on that one.
I think that this is a bit de-railed here.
American education could be fixed if learning a trade was pushed harder.
Hate to say it but so many people have degrees and 0 marketable (/recession proof) skills.
In response to your idea that a high speed rail system would be a good thing, I do ask why you think that is? Seriously look at Amtrak. Congress created Amtrak in 1970 to be a "for profit" corporation and despite receiving more than $30 billion in funding, including $1.3 billion as part of the stimulus package last year, they have lost money every single year since the company was created. Why would this be a good idea at a higher speed?
My wife, brother, and two friends are teachers and I hear the madness every day. The mindset of these "experts" that are making decisions for our educational system are crippling our future. I can't even start on the mind-blowing idiocy that comes from these beurocrats' (State level too) offices.
I still have school debt too. The point I was making was that we are giving students the option to ignore their debt because it'll be relieved if it isn't paid off in time. The burden is passed to the rest of us. There were something like 6 states that loosened the cap on tuition just days after Obama said he was giving relief to students. Florida's legislature let its tuition go up something like 15% the next day!! I know because I'm looking to enroll my Son into Florida Pre-Pay.
We get screwed one way or another and people are too blind to see it because they're too busy pointing their finger at the Dems or the GOP. Most on Capital Hill work for the same cause, to *** over the American people. And we buy it because they offer it too us like candy. Just like default mortgages. I know people who have bailed on their house because they can get more for much less. And their doing so because they're not being penalized long term for it. The rest of us pick up the slack. It's about accountability. The system doesn't believe in it anymore. Everyone is entitled and nobody needs to be accountable for their actions. THAT'S BULLSHIT! That's how prosperity and independence dies.
Why isnt the SOTU address a good place to address a Supreme court decesion? This was a HISTORICAL ruling overturning a law that has been in place for a long time. What did they just overlook it for the last oh hundred years? So basically you want corporations - Foreing or US based - to be able to control All Advertising surrounding elections? Not a Good Idea!