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DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
What would you guys suggest out of the analog and digital variety i look at analog and i like it because its ascetically pleasing but is there an advantage to going digital? and is there a certain brand you all would recommend i have a analog at the moment and it reads correctly but as i get more serious about my cigars i dont want to rely on the one that came with my humidor cause i am sure its low quality.


  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    The digitals are generally both more accurate and, for obvious reasons, easier to read accurately. The only brand I've seen get regular mention is the Xikar. I don't remember what brand mine are (not Xikar), but they work darn well.
  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    well if you happen to find out i would appreciate it if you told me but thank you for telling me about xikar i shall look them up
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    The digitals are generally both more accurate and, for obvious reasons, easier to read accurately. The only brand I've seen get regular mention is the Xikar. I don't remember what brand mine are (not Xikar), but they work darn well.
    i agree with this 100% ...the one i have is just some random generic from my local shop. ive never had a problem with it either. I has an alarm that will make noise if the RH gets too low and it also has a thermometer on it. Im not sure how accurate the thermometer is but it seems to be close.
    I only have on digital hygro. it spends most of its time in the aging humidor. since i handle those cigars the least i need it there the most. the humidor i pull my smoking sticks from doesnt need a hygrometer because i can pretty much tell if there is an issue by how they feel.
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    well if you happen to find out i would appreciate it if you told me but thank you for telling me about xikar i shall look them up
    Hygroset, I think. Something like that. I got them from Heartfelt Industries (the bead people).
  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    Thanks a million!
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I have 2 one is a Xikar and one is something else. Both of mine are calibratable but I prefer the Xikar bc it is far easier to calibrate you just press a button. The other one has a turn dial thats a pain and usually takes 4 or 5 tries(consuming 2 or 3 days) before its right when I calibrate it.
  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    cool thanks madurofan
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    a digital hygromiter that you can calibrate is ideal. If you cant calibrate it then all you have to do is put a little sticker that tells you how much it is off by. ( +2, -1... whatever)
  • Celtic RiderCeltic Rider Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44
    I found some nice hygrometers on ebay
  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    yeah i did aswell just wasent sure if i wanted to go threw ebay on something like this.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Yea its generally not looked upon well to talk about other places to buy on the open forum, aside from your B&M which remains nameless.
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