Home Cigar 101


jsthomas64jsthomas64 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5

Hi all - have a question and I'd really appreciate some feedback.

I'll be driving from DC to Cleveland today - usually 5.5 - 6 hour drive if I can get out before DC traffiic gets bad (then who knows).  This time, the wife isn't coming with me.  I thought it may be a good idea to fire up a few sticks along the way - does anyone here smoke in their car?

Does the smell stick?  I have leather interior, so hopefully not much, but the headliner is still cloth, so the last thing I need is her complaining about the smell of the car when I get back.

how about smoking on the road with the windows open - any thoughts?  I am a bit concerned this may make the cigar burn hot (ie kind of like someone blowing on it non-stop) the whole time.

Any thoughts / suggestions appreciated.



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    cleveland? hmmm just down the street from me.

    there are cigarette plig in air filters that ionizes the air. that shouild pull a good amount of the smell out.

    it is sticky as far as smells go. i wouild have the window down if you can.

    but not all the way down. ash get everywhere. oh, and a bunch of wind can produce an uneven burn
  • jsthomas64jsthomas64 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5

    Thanks - sounds like it may be more trouble than its worth, but we'll see how bad the traffic is, I may need to wind down with a smoke.

    When I lived in Cleveland I did a lot of consulting work at Goodyear, so I know Akron very well!

  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I don't know what happened but I've smoked in my truck a RP EDGE Natural and somehow got flavors I've never been able to reproduce again in the cigar. That cigar relly opened up driving 70 down the freeway...

    Mind you the burn issues were terrible and it did smell for a day or two like cigars, but that was the best Edge I've ever had!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144

    Hi all - have a question and I'd really appreciate some feedback.

    I'll be driving from DC to Cleveland today - usually 5.5 - 6 hour drive if I can get out before DC traffiic gets bad (then who knows).  This time, the wife isn't coming with me.  I thought it may be a good idea to fire up a few sticks along the way - does anyone here smoke in their car?

    Does the smell stick?  I have leather interior, so hopefully not much, but the headliner is still cloth, so the last thing I need is her complaining about the smell of the car when I get back.

    how about smoking on the road with the windows open - any thoughts?  I am a bit concerned this may make the cigar burn hot (ie kind of like someone blowing on it non-stop) the whole time.

    Any thoughts / suggestions appreciated.


    I smoke in my truck ( SUV) damn near every day. I open the driver side window about one third , turn the vents on pointed toward the window and puff away. I keep a product called ozium spray and when I get out give the interior a few sprays and the smell is gone.. But I don't mind the cigar smell,, but my kids can tell sometimes so maybe it's there and I'm just use to it.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    There's always Frebreeze, too. Hope you didn't get held up too bad. DC traffic started out horrid this morning, and didn't get any better.
  • sackermasackerma Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 45
    As far as im concerned smokeing a good stick driving down the freeway with music blaring is one of the most freeing things man, i love it. the car will smell for a day or two, if you have a sunroof its the best...
  • ScionScion Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 20
    i have a thing for smoking and driving... i found that if i spray fabrese or spray deodorant and crack the window overnight the smell goes away. this must be why people always say i smell like my car...
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    i have a thing for smoking and driving... i found that if i spray fabrese or spray deodorant and crack the window overnight the smell goes away. this must be why people always say i smell like my car...
    Hey scion, I would hope that was a good thing.
  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    well after smoking cigarettes in my car for so long i think a cigar helps make it smell better ..
  • ScionScion Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 20
    i have a thing for smoking and driving... i found that if i spray fabrese or spray deodorant and crack the window overnight the smell goes away. this must be why people always say i smell like my car...
    Hey scion, I would hope that was a good thing.
    it is i just never thought about why people say i smelll like my car...
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    I have two cars.  An SUV and a sedan.  I smoke in the SUV and not in my audi.  One, my Audi is 8 years old and still has the leather smell.  The truck on the other hand smells like all different kinds of oil since the one mechanic I had left a lot of the engine parts on the floor or rear seat.  You can really smell the oils when it is hot out.  The more I smoke the less I smell the oils.  However, my truck smells like cigars constantly and I haven't even smoked since Sunday morning and it is still strong.
  • idrivea9idrivea9 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44

    I have been reading the forum for a few weeks, and have only been smoking cigars for about the last four or five months.  So, after reading this post I had to respond.  I drive several German sports cars and have never thought of smoking in them. 

    But am getting ready to go to a car show which will be about a 10 hour drive.  I might try and see how all the ideas work. 


  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004

    I have been reading the forum for a few weeks, and have only been smoking cigars for about the last four or five months.  So, after reading this post I had to respond.  I drive several German sports cars and have never thought of smoking it them. 

    But am getting ready to go to a car show which will be about a 10 hour drive.  I might try and see how all the ideas work. 


    Is she going? Cause she's smokin...
  • idrivea9idrivea9 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44
    Luko, She will be at the show, one of our best girls for the magazine! :) Brian
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Would it be unrealistic to ask if she can swing by sunny Pittsburgh PA and pick me up on the way? I'm a fan of hot women and fast cars, as well as fast women and hot cars.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    That's why he changed his name to Cartits
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Well played, sir.
  • idrivea9idrivea9 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 44

    I read thru the post you provided a link to. LOL am rolling this morning, I know that joke is going to get printed out and placed on the door to my office this morning. :)

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