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Good Traders and Stand up Folks.



  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    If you are ever on the receiving end of one of my packages, expect a doozy.
    Yeah, I know...run with it guys.
    It's hard to run with your pants around your ankles.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    If you are ever on the receiving end of one of my packages, expect a doozy.
    Yeah, I know...run with it guys.
    It's hard to run with your pants around your ankles.
    You know this from experience? :)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    If you are ever on the receiving end of one of my packages, expect a doozy.
    Yeah, I know...run with it guys.
    It's hard to run with your pants around your ankles.
    You know this from experience? :)
    Of course. Luckily, it was hard for her to run with her panties around her ankles, too. Caught her.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    A masterful turnaround my friend, well played.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    I just received a box from bass8844 in trade. This guy is too generous. I sent him a handful of smokes and he sent me 3 fistfuls back. Just wanted to put in the good word for bass. Truly a standup guy. Thanks, man!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Four thumbs up (yeah, I have a condition called polythumbism) for Scram and Kasper. Both hooked me up beyond belief. As someome new to this trading game, they know how to bring the new guys up...hopefully I'll be duplicating their generosity. Urbi, keep an eye on out for my package, it'll be big (couldn't resist). I'm PM you shipping info as soon as I can.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    And the obligatory nod to rusirius, he sent me the fetal doppler I've always wanted but could never bring myself to buy. Seriously though, the man knows how to hook a brotha up... and I mean brotha in the general, non-offensive manner of course.

    Thanks Greg, you're good people in my book.

          Did ya have a chance to try those Tampa Nugget Blunts I sent ya yet? What about the White Owl Sports? Those are my personal favorites....

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    At the current inflation rate of our Fun & Games, PIF, etc packages, I'll be out of the games in a month. The generosity of everyone is going to kick my cheap a$$ to social-member-only status at the club. Which isn't necessarily so bad, but every now and again I like to get out on the tennis courts, especially in the spring when all the ladies are out in their new, short, pink skirts.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I'm with you duty. I thought I had a nice collection but I don't have to ammo to keep up with some of these guys!!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    And the obligatory nod to rusirius, he sent me the fetal doppler I've always wanted but could never bring myself to buy. Seriously though, the man knows how to hook a brotha up... and I mean brotha in the general, non-offensive manner of course.

    Thanks Greg, you're good people in my book.

          Did ya have a chance to try those Tampa Nugget Blunts I sent ya yet? What about the White Owl Sports? Those are my personal favorites....

    lol, Yeah...I was really hoping and wishing on those grape phillies though.... guess I'll just have to buy my own dammit. :)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    I gotta throw out a SIRIUS kudo (that was pretty punny) to j0z3r again... I sent him a little non-cigar related package of something else he was interested in and asked nothing in return... However in return he sent me one HELL of a package of stoagies! I was absolutely blown away by the selection he sent me... Not only was there some terrific things in there that I've really wanted to try but not had any yet, but there were some seriously top notch smokes!

    Joe, you're one hell of a guy in my book!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Very punny indeed! And guys, our friend Shirley here, as goofy as he may be :), is a very generous and helpful person and one we should all be glad to have around the boards. Thanks again Greg.

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    We all know Urby's a good trader... but jeez oh petes did he hook me up on the boffo birthday order. Seriously... need I say inflation again? It is humbling to know that this package contained the stuff he was willing to give away! I can't even imagine what his humidors must look like.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Dood. What did you expect? It was, as advertised, a Boffo Birthday Sampler -- that is, a sampler from the Boffo Birthday Order (okay, plus one or two extras, but only one or two). Which you, for the most part, put together.

    My humi looks more or less like that sampler, only more so, with the addition of the goodies others here have sent me.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Got a wicked good Fun & Games package from Luko in the mail today. An Oliva G maduro (excellent), a Hemingway Classic (a man after my own heart), an RP Edge maduro (one I haven't had), an Avo Domaine #10 (one of my favorites in a size I haven't tried), and a Cusano 18 Paired Maduro (haven't had it, but definitely looking forward to it).

    You done good, Luko. Good variety of excellent cigars. Luko's good people.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 991
    Well, Urbi came through with another good package too for the Fun And Games tractor pull. ive stick that I haven't tried, one of which I never even heard of.

    RP Fusion
    Gurkha Titan (kind of makes a man self conscious, LOL)
    Camacho 1962 (I've had the PE but not the regular, looking forward to the comparison)
    601 Red Label
    The Griffin's (this is the one I've never heard of, might have to do some research on it)

    Thanks Urbi and I will make sure to get my question up tonight so be watching for it you all.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    What's "the PE" Ron? It's not clicking for me.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    What's "the PE" Ron? It's not clicking for me.
    Pre-Embargo... ;)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Got a wicked good Fun & Games package from Luko in the mail today. An Oliva G maduro (excellent), a Hemingway Classic (a man after my own heart), an RP Edge maduro (one I haven't had), an Avo Domaine #10 (one of my favorites in a size I haven't tried), and a Cusano 18 Paired Maduro (haven't had it, but definitely looking forward to it).

    You done good, Luko. Good variety of excellent cigars. Luko's good people.

    Thanks for the kind words, Urbs. I do have to say I would have liked to be a little more creative, but I was having mucho computer problems at the time and only had a brief window to get you something with very little time to research So I thought I remembered that you spoke fondly of AFs and the Avos. With my limited experience, I've really enjoyed the RP edge and Cusano maduros. I also had and Oliva G and really liked t.
    As for myself, I haven't had any AFs for Avos and high up on my list to try soon are both.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 746
    I just received a trade package from bass8844. An excellent trader in my opinion.

    I sent him a handful of expensive/hard to find cigars he had been wanting, he sent me 39 (!) cigars, ranging from solid and reliable everyday smokes like Flor de Oliva to high end sticks like the Gurkha Fuerte and a nice selection of Rocky Patels as well as some known favorites like a fiver of Oliva G's. Others making an appearance are Montecristo, RyJ, Camacho, and 5 Vegas.

    This is the second time I have received cigars from him, and the second time he has sent more than was expected or necessary. I'll be looking for an opportunity to repay the favor.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    That's more cigars than I own
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    I'm with ya, Duty...this might be getting too rich for my blood.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    I'm with ya, Duty...this might be getting too rich for my blood.
    Well, bear in mind that, in this case, we're talking about a private trade. It really has nothing to do with passes or PIF or MAW or F&G packages. No inflation, there.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I'm with ya, Duty...this might be getting too rich for my blood.
    Well, bear in mind that, in this case, we're talking about a private trade. It really has nothing to do with passes or PIF or MAW or F&G packages. No inflation, there.
    What did they trade, a 69' Buick for all the cigars that would fit in the glove compartment ??
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Heh. I'm not sure who'd be getting the better end of that deal.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    the griffins is a fantastic cigar it got great reviews actually i was just reading one of its reviews from cigar afecianado mag or however u spell it neways great cigar enjoy it
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 991
    Yeah, I saw some in the shop yesterday. I just never realized they were there because it is a Davidoff product so they kept it locked up with them and because of that I never really looked at it. In fact they have a new limited edition out as well.

    Urbs, once again you have proven to be very generous. Thanks brother.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    I'm with ya, Duty...this might be getting too rich for my blood.
    Well, bear in mind that, in this case, we're talking about a private trade. It really has nothing to do with passes or PIF or MAW or F&G packages. No inflation, there.
    Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that he raised the bar in any of the games threads... I was just commenting on the size of that trade. Pretty amazing.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    I'm with ya, Duty...this might be getting too rich for my blood.
    Well, bear in mind that, in this case, we're talking about a private trade. It really has nothing to do with passes or PIF or MAW or F&G packages. No inflation, there.
    Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that he raised the bar in any of the games threads... I was just commenting on the size of that trade. Pretty amazing.

    Games or trades, everyone around here seems more than generous. It's a great thing...I was just kidding.
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