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Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
So should he be fired for what he said. Other TV/Radio personalities have been fired for making similar comments. Do you believe his appolgy? Palin has apparently accepted it.

I think he should be gone but more from citizens/viewers outrage but it hasn't been quite as large as say Imus' was. Also, I think some of his sponsors were ticked b/c people called them to complain. So if you choke off the money...people listen. Go figure.


  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I think he and his writers made a huge mistake, and no one caught it. Im sure they meant it about the older daughter and f'd up. I believe that he is sorry for anyone who thought it was about the younger daughter...but not the older one. I think the older daughter is fair pickens because she is 18. I also love the fact that Ms. Right Wing has a daughter who was bangin like a screen door in a hurricane and they tired to make her look like some innocent sweet girl who didnt know better than to ride the ol' trouser snake. He should not be fired, not be repremanded, and that topic should die. While Sean Hannity may want you to believe the country is outraged----the majority dont give a $hit and Lettermans ratings are the best in years----therefore CBS wont do an thing and neither should they. I just wish Palin would take her clothes off and make a few slutty poses in front of a moose lodge with a rebel flag hat on and then disappear from the public eye------but thats just my wish.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Bad Andy:
    So should he be fired for what he said. Other TV/Radio personalities have been fired for making similar comments about favored political groups.

    He didn't insult a politically favored group - of course he's going to keep his job. What kind of country would we live in if there weren't a double standard?
    I think he and his writers made a huge mistake, and no one caught it. Im sure they meant it about Michelle Obama and f'd up. I believe that he is sorry for anyone who thought it was about the younger daughter...but not the older one. I think the older daughter is fair pickens because she is over 18. I also love the fact that Ms. Right Wing has a daughter who was bangin like a screen door in a hurriance. He should not be fired, not be repremanded, and that topic should die. While Sean Hannity may want you to believe the country is outraged----the majority dont give a $hit and Lettermans ratings are the best in years----therefore CBS wont do an thing and neither should they. I just wish Palin would take her clothes off and make a few slutty poses in front of a moose lodge with a rebel flag hat on and then disappear from the public eye------but thats just my wish.
    Would you still hold this opinion if the comment were directed towards Michelle Obama or one of her daughters, or the stereotypical black teenager who gets knocked up? I think not.

    The election is over, McCain/Palin lost and Bush is out of office - give it a rest already. There's another election in about a year and a half where you can vent your frothing hatred, so just chill. I don't see your post (especially the last few sentences) as any different than the recent playboy ed about which conservative female should be raped
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Bad Andy:
    So should he be fired for what he said. Other TV/Radio personalities have been fired for making similar comments. Do you believe his appolgy? Palin has apparently accepted it.

    I think he should be gone but more from citizens/viewers outrage but it hasn't been quite as large as say Imus' was. Also, I think some of his sponsors were ticked b/c people called them to complain. So if you choke off the money...people listen. Go figure.
    i dont think imus should have been canned. he has a right to say stuff no matter how stupid it is. same with letterman. I feel that Palin is attempting to live what she believes.

    forgive and forget

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I thought it was poor that he did apologize, that seems to be a continuous thing..... There are a lot of things I wish palin would apologize for. I just think it's all very silly.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Bad Andy:
    So should he be fired for what he said. Other TV/Radio personalities have been fired for making similar comments about favored political groups.

    He didn't insult a politically favored group - of course he's going to keep his job. What kind of country would we live in if there weren't a double standard?
    I think he and his writers made a huge mistake, and no one caught it. Im sure they meant it about Michelle Obama and f'd up. I believe that he is sorry for anyone who thought it was about the younger daughter...but not the older one. I think the older daughter is fair pickens because she is over 18. I also love the fact that Ms. Right Wing has a daughter who was bangin like a screen door in a hurriance. He should not be fired, not be repremanded, and that topic should die. While Sean Hannity may want you to believe the country is outraged----the majority dont give a $hit and Lettermans ratings are the best in years----therefore CBS wont do an thing and neither should they. I just wish Palin would take her clothes off and make a few slutty poses in front of a moose lodge with a rebel flag hat on and then disappear from the public eye------but thats just my wish.
    Would you still hold this opinion if the comment were directed towards Michelle Obama or one of her daughters, or the stereotypical black teenager who gets knocked up? I think not.

    The election is over, McCain/Palin lost and Bush is out of office - give it a rest already. There's another election in about a year and a half where you can vent your frothing hatred, so just chill. I don't see your post (especially the last few sentences) as any different than the recent playboy ed about which conservative female should be raped
    Actually, I would still have that opinion----but it is funnier considering Sarahs political beliefs. I would not condone against Obamas daughter bescause of their age however. If the election were over and Sarah Palin wer eout of the spolight, I woudl give it up. But since she loves the spotlight as much as her daughter loves underage pregnancy-----I still consider her fair for the taking......and they answer to that question is obviously Ann Coulter.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Squirrel and Kuzi----I feel you are both dead on. Its a sign of the time for repubs. and demos. alike that we continually try to squash free speech....just ask Howard Stern. And for the record----hard to believe, but I am a registered Republican.....just not happy with how my party has gone.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    I believe in free speech but I also believe you should be responsible with it. Yeah, he was telling a joke, maybe used the wrong name, but it was poor judgement to tell the joke in the first place. You can be funnier without being such an a$s or crass. I never really liked Letterman, more of a Carson/Leno watcher when I did watch.

    I also agree that it is a sign of the times ... where people can say whatever they want, claim 'free speech' and then not be held accountable for they have said.
  • jlzimmermanjlzimmerman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 282
    He shouldn't be fired. It was bad judgement but nothing that warrants a dismissal. Didn't he think the daughter was Bristol anyway?

    The advocates that want Letterman fired need to get a life.

    Palin's comments of "virtual statutory rape" or whatever a over to the top but I don't blame her for being upset.

    The media just LOVE keeping Palin in the spotlight because there are so many haters, including themselves. But those same people need to think about how'd they react if it were a joke made about their child, or worse yet (politically), Saint Obama's child.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Bad Andy:
    I believe in free speech but I also believe you should be responsible with it. Yeah, he was telling a joke, maybe used the wrong name, but it was poor judgement to tell the joke in the first place. You can be funnier without being such an a$s or crass. I never really liked Letterman, more of a Carson/Leno watcher when I did watch.

    I also agree that it is a sign of the times ... where people can say whatever they want, claim 'free speech' and then not be held accountable for they have said.
    Part of what makes most jokes, jokes---is that they lack in some sort of taste. If he or anyone always used the best judgement we woudl have less comedians and more *** Cheneys. He made a mistake in using someones name, when he meant another person-----he said that and said he would never say that about a child-------that sounds like accounability to me.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Part of what makes most jokes, jokes---is that they lack in some sort of taste. If he or anyone always used the best judgement we woudl have less comedians and more *** Cheneys. He made a mistake in using someones name, when he meant another person-----he said that and said he would never say that about a child-------that sounds like accounability to me.
    The same thing could be said of Don Imus
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I think Letterman needs to go! Not because of some stupid joke, but because he is a douche bag and really isn't very funny. The joke was wrong, and he is a d*ck for saying it. It wasn't a mistake or accident and he damn well knew who he was talking about. He just didn't expect such a backlash from the public and that was his story to cover his a$$. Should he be fired for saying it? NO! Imus shouldn't have been either. Hell Imus didn't even make a statement that condoned a serious felony offense! Neither of them should be fired. The world needs to take a chill pill and stop getting so offended by everything. If you don't like the joke, and I didn't, then don't watching his freakin show. It's not rocket science. That's what makes a capitalist system work. Supply and demand. If there is no demand for his show or his humor, then the supply will go away, but if there are enough people that still like his show and still watch him, then he is living the American Dream and I hope he appreciates that.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
  • adamkhaliladamkhalil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 80
    I think Letterman needs to go! Not because of some stupid joke, but because he is a douche bag and really isn't very funny. The joke was wrong, and he is a d*ck for saying it. It wasn't a mistake or accident and he damn well knew who he was talking about. He just didn't expect such a backlash from the public and that was his story to cover his a$$. Should he be fired for saying it? NO! Imus shouldn't have been either. Hell Imus didn't even make a statement that condoned a serious felony offense! Neither of them should be fired. The world needs to take a chill pill and stop getting so offended by everything. If you don't like the joke, and I didn't, then don't watching his freakin show. It's not rocket science. That's what makes a capitalist system work. Supply and demand. If there is no demand for his show or his humor, then the supply will go away, but if there are enough people that still like his show and still watch him, then he is living the American Dream and I hope he appreciates that.
    I don't think he meant it about the younger girl, but about the one who is already pregnant. Perhaps it was in bad taste, but the outrage is ridiculous. Like you said, if you don't like it, don't watch it. I don't really find him funny (or Howard Stern for that matter) but if people want to watch then they shouldn't get canned.

    Imus, I think, is a different story. I think he did get canned for reasons of capitalism. Once you get that racist stigma, deserved or not, your sales will suffer.

    Also, 2 more points -- freedom of speech of any moron has to be tempered with the freedom of those employing them to kick their arses to the curb if they're hurting the bottom line/company image. Also, no matter who is doing the speaking they don't have a "right" to free speech because the government isn't shutting them up, their employer is. Unless it says in their contract that they can say whatever they want, they can be fired just like the rest of us on a whim for any reason (or no reason).
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Part of what makes most jokes, jokes---is that they lack in some sort of taste. If he or anyone always used the best judgement we woudl have less comedians and more *** Cheneys. He made a mistake in using someones name, when he meant another person-----he said that and said he would never say that about a child-------that sounds like accounability to me.
    The same thing could be said of Don Imus
    Don Imus was paid to entertain. I do not agree with what he said, but he shoudl not have lost his job over saying it. If his rating were down due to it and he lost advertisers (which did happen) then I have no probolem---cause thats business. But to be in the entertainment business and lose a job for a comment and no other reason is lunacy in a free country.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
    Does that pledge include 28,943 Connan O'Brien fans?
  • WafflebobWafflebob Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 118
    As already stated, nobodies freedom of speech is being affected here. If the government were trying to silence him, or if he was facing legal issues then it would possibly be an infringement of the freedom of speech. As far as being fired goes, thats purely a choice of his employers and his rights don't have anything to do with it. I don't think he deserves to be fired either. Chances are he didn't even have anything to do with writing the joke, he just read what was written for him.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I thought it was poor that he did apologize, that seems to be a continuous thing..... There are a lot of things I wish palin would apologize for. I just think it's all very silly.
    im not sure if it was poor that he did apologize. I dont know what is in his heart. If he feels bad about it then he should. if he doesnt then he shouldnt.

    Palin also has a right to be upset. she also has a right to her opinion. Letterman does not NEED to apologize. Palin does not NEED to apologize.
    in this situation (the situation of expressing yourself as freely as you want) nobody should apologize. it is your right to say what you think and what you believe in.... no matter how stupid, mean, thoughtless, tasteless, off color, out of touch, racist, sexist, homophobic, un-American, rude, crude, anti-bush, anti- obama, anti-government it may be.

    extreme example:
    the KKK

    i dont like the KKK but they have every right to believe and say what they do. as long as they dont infringe on the rights of others, they can talk all they want.

    i think what many people miss is that we do not have a RIGHT to not be offended.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
    Does that pledge include 28,943 Connan O'Brien fans?
    conan doesnt have that many fans.... geeeez!

    ...i dont know how many fans he has....
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
    Does that pledge include 28,943 Connan O'Brien fans?
    conan doesnt have that many fans.... geeeez!

    ...i dont know how many fans he has....
    I don't know how many fans he has either, but I promise I'm not one of them.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
    Does that pledge include 28,943 Connan O'Brien fans?
    conan doesnt have that many fans.... geeeez!

    ...i dont know how many fans he has....
    I don't know how many fans he has either, but I promise I'm not one of them.
    I bet these are the same people who banded against the tit incident during the super bowl a few years ago. It's very silly to blow this stuff so much, jokes are thrown around all the time, people are just too damn sensitive.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132


    This doesn't sound like something Hannity is making up to make people believe there is a backlash. Over 30,000 pledges to not watch Letterman shows that there are some pissed off people.
    Does that pledge include 28,943 Connan O'Brien fans?
    conan doesnt have that many fans.... geeeez!

    ...i dont know how many fans he has....
    I don't know how many fans he has either, but I promise I'm not one of them.
    I bet these are the same people who banded against the tit incident during the super bowl a few years ago. It's very silly to blow this stuff so much, jokes are thrown around all the time, people are just too damn sensitive.
    Why does it bother you that people were offended by this honestly? It bothered me that me made the joke and it bothered those people. They will boycot his show and I never watched it to begin with. If they aren't going to watch it that is their choice. They have every right to be pissed and refuse to watch him, just like I'm sure you don't watch the O'Reilly factor and you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh... I do agree that demanding CBS to fire him is too much. You didn't seem to have a problem with all the protests of the Bush administration but, God forbid someone speak out against Letterman?
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I am not saying that people can't be offended I just think that it's silly that given the joke and who it was about and the context that it isn't such a big deal. Palin has paraded her down syndrome kid around all during the campaign as a piece of meat, her dumb daughter gets knocked up then doesn't marry the dad ( which I'm sure was only conceived as a campaign thing, they probably would have never married) then she goes out and preaches against "not" having sex. It's very silly. Jokes are made all the time, any late night show jabs at people all the time. I also find it very ironic that Palin would make a big deal about a joke, but she was find calling Obama a terrorist, and a Muslim and not being born in America. Those are just lies to be spread. letterman made a joke, poor taste, to some maybe. Then again it's a joke. I'm just saying people get too offended too easily in this country any more. Freedom of speech seems to a door only opened when it's PC. I don't watch is show either, I'm usually in bed. I just think overall it's just another way for her to stay in the spotlight.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I am not saying that people can't be offended I just think that it's silly that given the joke and who it was about and the context that it isn't such a big deal. Palin has paraded her down syndrome kid around all during the campaign as a piece of meat, her dumb daughter gets knocked up then doesn't marry the dad ( which I'm sure was only conceived as a campaign thing, they probably would have never married) then she goes out and preaches against "not" having sex. It's very silly. Jokes are made all the time, any late night show jabs at people all the time. I also find it very ironic that Palin would make a big deal about a joke, but she was find calling Obama a terrorist, and a Muslim and not being born in America. Those are just lies to be spread. letterman made a joke, poor taste, to some maybe. Then again it's a joke. I'm just saying people get too offended too easily in this country any more. Freedom of speech seems to a door only opened when it's PC. I don't watch is show either, I'm usually in bed. I just think overall it's just another way for her to stay in the spotlight.
    I would like to see some kind of proof where Palin said those things because she NEVER did. Also, Letterman made a joke about a 14 year old girl being raped by A-Rod in front of thousands of people... That is more than just in bad taste. I do think it is a big deal, but once again, not something CBS should fire him for saying.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
    If you read that statement again, you would she she DOES NOT call Obama a terrorist, but says he is "palling around with terrorists." She doesn't not call him a terrorist in any of that and he knew Bill Ayers well after he was a child. He first met him as a child, but knew him and was associated with him throughout his life as a young man. I think him knowing and being close with Rev. Wright makes him closer to being a terrorist than Bill Ayers does though. Also, when Letterman made the statement Palin and her daughter, not Bristol, had already been to the game. He knew damn good and well which daughter was there. As much as Letterman keeps up with current events and the things that go on I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't fully aware of who he was talking about.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
    If you read that statement again, you would she she DOES NOT call Obama a terrorist, but says he is "palling around with terrorists." She doesn't not call him a terrorist in any of that and he knew Bill Ayers well after he was a child. He first met him as a child, but knew him and was associated with him throughout his life as a young man. I think him knowing and being close with Rev. Wright makes him closer to being a terrorist than Bill Ayers does though. Also, when Letterman made the statement Palin and her daughter, not Bristol, had already been to the game. He knew damn good and well which daughter was there. As much as Letterman keeps up with current events and the things that go on I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't fully aware of who he was talking about.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
    If you read that statement again, you would she she DOES NOT call Obama a terrorist, but says he is "palling around with terrorists." She doesn't not call him a terrorist in any of that and he knew Bill Ayers well after he was a child. He first met him as a child, but knew him and was associated with him throughout his life as a young man. I think him knowing and being close with Rev. Wright makes him closer to being a terrorist than Bill Ayers does though. Also, when Letterman made the statement Palin and her daughter, not Bristol, had already been to the game. He knew damn good and well which daughter was there. As much as Letterman keeps up with current events and the things that go on I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't fully aware of who he was talking about.
    apples puro, just apples. I did read the statement, heard it live and watched it. she's said it countless times, she also implies it. Doesn't matter anymore but she created it, and pushed it.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
    If you read that statement again, you would she she DOES NOT call Obama a terrorist, but says he is "palling around with terrorists." She doesn't not call him a terrorist in any of that and he knew Bill Ayers well after he was a child. He first met him as a child, but knew him and was associated with him throughout his life as a young man. I think him knowing and being close with Rev. Wright makes him closer to being a terrorist than Bill Ayers does though. Also, when Letterman made the statement Palin and her daughter, not Bristol, had already been to the game. He knew damn good and well which daughter was there. As much as Letterman keeps up with current events and the things that go on I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't fully aware of who he was talking about.
    apples puro, just apples. I did read the statement, heard it live and watched it. she's said it countless times, she also implies it. Doesn't matter anymore but she created it, and pushed it.
    You are right, she did make the statement saying he palled around with terrorists, but she NEVER called him a terrorist as you said she did. To say that she did is a lie.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Palin calls obama a terrorist for knowing Bill Ayers which he didn't even know he was a child and the guy lived in his neighborhood... Which is very poor taste given it's just here-say and very cheap. It's like saying because you lived next to a serial killer and though you knew nothing once he got caught you were called a callabrorator.


    He was under the impression it was her older daughter coming, not the younger one, he said that shortly after.
    If you read that statement again, you would she she DOES NOT call Obama a terrorist, but says he is "palling around with terrorists." She doesn't not call him a terrorist in any of that and he knew Bill Ayers well after he was a child. He first met him as a child, but knew him and was associated with him throughout his life as a young man. I think him knowing and being close with Rev. Wright makes him closer to being a terrorist than Bill Ayers does though. Also, when Letterman made the statement Palin and her daughter, not Bristol, had already been to the game. He knew damn good and well which daughter was there. As much as Letterman keeps up with current events and the things that go on I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't fully aware of who he was talking about.
    apples puro, just apples. I did read the statement, heard it live and watched it. she's said it countless times, she also implies it. Doesn't matter anymore but she created it, and pushed it.
    You are right, she did make the statement saying he palled around with terrorists, but she NEVER called him a terrorist as you said she did. To say that she did is a lie.
    And now we start the neverending debate of what the meaning of the word "is", is.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    In politics or especially in the media spotlight implication is enough and goes a long way. Bringing it up, and placing it in such context is the same. The implication was there and she knew what she was doing.
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